Let’s go straight to the services for people with disabilities in Melbourne our website. No fluff. Imagine yourself strolling through the busy streets of Melbourne. The city prides its self on being inclusive, and all are invited to the large family barbecue.
Amazing how far disability services have come in this country. Instead of whispering to each other in secret, now we shout, “Hey!” We’re together!
Illegibility is not an adjective. It’s only a small part of what makes us human. This new approach to thinking has inspired some very innovative innovations in how help is offered.
We’ll talk about technology for a few minutes. Melbourne is home to many very clever people that create new gadgets designed for disabled people. Imagine an app for reading text, or telling your home to turn off the lights when your vision is impaired. That’s exactly what is happening.
You’re not done yet! It’s about more than fancy gadgets. Magic happens when people connect with others who understand their situation. These peer group are your tribe. They are able to relate because they too have been there.
Administrators at universities and schools work together to ensure students with disabilities are not excluded. The learning process is being redesigned to be accessible to all. Education should not be so hard to understand that it is like an old code.
There’s much more to the world than rainbows. It’s similar to solving a Rubik’s puzzle while blindfolded. It can be frustrating with many twists. It can be frustrating and full of twists.
When you are disabled, finding a good job or a place to stay will be a challenge. A number of cool projects and programs are taking on these challenges, because every person deserves the chance to succeed in life.
What is your bottom line? Melbourne has a long way to go before it is truly inclusive. However, there are some snags to be ironed out.
Everyone will have to do their part if we want the future to improve – from government officials down to local heroes.
The story about disability service is far from over. It is more like a grand saga with many everyday heroes fighting for change. It shows just how much can be accomplished when we acknowledge the importance of each individual in our life.
What will the future hold for us if Melbourne is able to continue pushing boundaries? Continue this discussion – it’s going to take a community (or city) to bring about real change and raise consciousness.
Never underestimate how powerful it is to ask or offer for help. But what’s life without adventure?
The most rewarding journey that you can undertake is to discover what Melbourne’s disability services have to offer.