Why 2024 Could Be The Year To Part With Your Tesla

Do you want to “Sell My Tesla?” website, We’ll dive right in to why 2024 could be the perfect time to sell that electric dream car.

Tesla’s innovation is not lacking. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Tesla is releasing new models and upgrades faster than you can even say “autopilot”. Remember the latest Tesla model with a built in coffee maker and that can sing lullabies. Your current Tesla may seem outdated due to the rapid pace of technological advancements.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are changing. Your Tesla could feel like it is playing catch up by next summer, just like VHS tapes did when they went extinct. Tesla may be challenged by other companies with their new tech. What about the shiny new EV that you haven’t heard of from that startup? You never know what’s going to happen these days.

Let’s talk about depreciation. The majority of cars depreciate faster than a snowball on the Sahara. Teslas are not immune to losing value, even though they hold it better. Demand is high right now, so you may be able to get a higher resale value. If you wait, the value of your home could drop even more.

Tesla reliability is not perfect, despite its reputation. There have been a few hiccups. Have a door handle that is clumsy or a touchscreen more temperamental than grandma’s old TVs? Your Tesla will develop more quirks as it ages. You could avoid future headaches by selling now.

Let’s talk about something personal. Has your life changed? You might be expecting twins and don’t want to cram two car seats in the back of your Model 3. You may have to drive long distances for your new job, and range anxiety is setting in despite Tesla’s good range.